A.W. IN ROME 2006 - 17
ISBN 978-3-9524642-1-2
Artist Book
55 pages
Biel/Bienne, 2017
Run: on demand
Width: 19 cm
Height: 19 cm
Language: E
Text: Erik Dettwiler
Photography: Erik Dettwiler
Graphic Design:
Erik Dettwiler
55 pages
Biel/Bienne, 2017
Run: on demand
Width: 19 cm
Height: 19 cm
Language: E
Text: Erik Dettwiler
Photography: Erik Dettwiler
Graphic Design:
Erik Dettwiler
This photographic cycle is related to a retrospective exhibition of Andy Warhol, held at the Chiostro del Bramante in Rome—a singular example of Renaissance architecture, projected by Bramante at the beginning of the 16th century. The exhibition’s ambiguous title “Repent and Sin no More” examined an undisclosed aspect of Warhol’s relationship towards spirituality and religion. The public relation concept for the show depicted a self-portrait of the artist. Subsequently numerous advertising surfaces all over Rome displayed Warhol’s portrait—from the city’s center to its vast outskirts. My interest was prompted by the obvious reciprocity of pop art on billboards. A place where goods and products are usually promoted. This paradox layering of the represented art intrigued me. An artistic œuvre, which implies on consumerism and advertisement, is blended here into the world of commerce.(...)
Erik Dettwiler
Erik Dettwiler